
Privacy Policy


Alyoumi Rewards Privacy Policy

This privacy commitment demonstrates how we will ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the information you entrust us with. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent and we only use your information as described in the Privacy Policy. We view protection of your privacy as a very important community principle.

We understand clearly that you & the Information is one of our most important assets.

We use third parties services to stored and process the Information on their computers, and they are protected by physical as well as technological security devices as per the privacy principles.

Purpose of collecting data:

  • Account Management: To accurately document and maintain Loyalty Member Accounts, detailing points accrued, redeemed, and current balances.
  • Customer Insight: To gain a deeper understanding of customer behaviors and preferences, allowing us to analyze and refine our concept accordingly.
  • Product and Service Improvement: To develop, enhance, market and provide products and services to meet the customer needs.
  • Location-Based Enhancement: We use the collected location information to enhance your experience within the App and to provide you with relevant content and services based on your geographical location.
  • Promotional Engagement: To facilitate Member involvement in promotional events and competitions.

Periodically you may be asked to provide additional personal information via market research or surveys.

Your ‘Member information’ is processed, stored & secured in confidential databases

Methods for limiting the use & disclosure of information: The collected data are not disclosed to any parties apart from the business units of Family Food Centre and our partners.

Contact information for inquiries & complaints:

Email Id:
Phone Number: +974 – 4414 0704